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Article Title
Comparative Study of Two Hypofractionated Palliative Radiotherapy Schedules-24Gy in 4 Fractions vs 30Gy in 10 Fractions in Stage IVA and IVB Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Head-neck Region
Authored by
Md. Golam Zel Asmaul Husna
National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Saiful Alam
Department of Radiation Oncology, National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Rakib Uddin Ahmed
National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Rownak Jahan Amin
Department of Radiation Oncology, National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Tanin Sultana
Department of Radiotherapy, Sir Salimullah Medical College Mitford Hospital, Bangladesh.
Shuvra Debnath
National Institute and Cancer Research and Hospital, India.
Muhammad Abdullah-Al-Noman
National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Department of Radiation Oncology, National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Tasneem Hossain
Department of Radiation Oncology, National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Md. Rakibul Islam Masud
Department of Radiotherapy, Mymensingh Medical College Hospital, Bangladesh.